Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Xerox Research Center Europe

Participants : Zeynep Akata, Zaid Harchaoui, Thomas Mensink, Cordelia Schmid, Jakob Verbeek.

In a collaborative project with Xerox, staring October 2009, we work on cross-modal information retrieval. The challenge is to perform information retrieval and document classification in databases that contain documents in different modalities, such as texts, images, or videos, and documents that contain a combination of these. The PhD student Thomas Mensink is supported by a CIFRE grant obtained from the ANRT for the period 10/09 – 09/12. A second three-year collaborative project on large scale visual recognition started in 2011. The PhD student Zeynep Akata is supported by a CIFRE grant obtained from the ANRT for the period 01/11 – 01/14.